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Full Worship Services


Recent Gospel and Sermon only

YouTube Video of Full Service














Service  1/26/25  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 1/26/2025  ”The Joy of the Lord is Our Strength”

Worship 1/26/25  3rd Sunday after Epiphany

Service  1/19/25  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 1/19/2025  ”Water into Wine”

Worship 1/19/25  2nd Sunday after Epiphany

Service  1/12/25  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 1/12/2025  ”Living our Baptism”

Worship 1/12/25 Baptism of Our Lord

Service  1/5/25  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 1/5/2025  ”The Other Wise Man”

Worship 1/5/25  2nd Sunday of Christmas

 Service  12/29/24 Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 12/29/2024  ”Hymn Sing”

Worship 12/29/24  1st Sunday of Christmas

Service  12/24/24  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 12/24/2024  ”The Birth of Jesus”

     “Treasures of the Heart”

Worship 12/24/24  Christmas Eve Service

Service  12/22/24  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 12/22/2024  Bethlehem Behind the Scenes” Youth Program

Worship 12/22/24  4th Sunday of Advent

Service  12/15//24  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 12/15/2024  ”Rejoice”

Worship 12/15/24  3rd Sunday of Advent

Service  12/8//24  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 12/8/2024  ”Prepare the Way”

Worship 12/8/24  2nd Sunday of Advent

Service  12/1//24  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 12/1/2024  ”Hope”

Worship 12/1/24  1st Sunday of Advent

Service  11/24/24  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 11/24/2024  ”Truth and Majesty”

Worship 11/24/24 27th Sunday after Pentecost / Christ the King Sunday

Service  11/17/24  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 11/17/2024  ”I Will Not be Moved”

Worship 11/17/24 26th Sunday after Pentecost

Service  11/10/24  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 11/10/2024  ”The Poverty of Abundance”

Worship 11/10/24 25th Sunday after Pentecost

Service  11/3/24  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 11/3/2024  ”More than a Memory”

Worship 11/3/24 24th Sunday after Pentecost / All Saints Sunday

Service  10/27/24  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 10/27/24  ”Bold Faith”

Worship 10/27/24 23rd Sunday after Pentecost

Service  10/20/24  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 10/20/24  ”Servant Leadership”

Worship 10/20/24 22nd Sunday after Pentecost

Service  10/13/24  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 10/13/24  ”UCC 140th Anniversary”

Worship 10/13/24 21st Sunday after Pentecost

Service  10/6/24  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 10/6/24  ” Strengthen your Hearts”

Worship 10/6/24 20th Sunday after Pentecost

Service  9/29/24  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 9/29/24  ” Serving the Master”

Worship 9/29/24 19th Sunday after Pentecost

Service  9/22/24  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 9/22/24  ”The Right Thing to Do”

Worship 9/22/24 18th Sunday after Pentecost

Service  9/15/24  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 9/15/24  ”Wisdom from Above”

Worship 9/15/24 17th Sunday after Pentecost

Service  9/8/24  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 9/8/24  ”Judgment and Mercy”

Worship 9/8/24 16th Sunday after Pentecost

Service  9/1/24  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 9/1/24  “Doers of the Word”

Worship 9/1/24 15th Sunday after Pentecost





Service  8/18/24  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 8/18/24  “Youth Camp Reports

Worship 8/18/24 13th Sunday after Pentecost

Service 8/11/24  Pastor Carole Buckingham


Sermon 8/11/24  “The Bread of Life”

Worship 8/11/24 12th Sunday after Pentecost

Service  8/4/24  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 8/4/24  “By Whose Authority?” by Vicky Daub; Vett Services Corp Director

Worship 8/4/24 11th Sunday after Pentecost

Service  7/28/24  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 7/28/24  “Five Loaves and Two Fish”

Worship 7/28/24 10th Sunday after Pentecost

Service  7/21/24  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 7/21/24  “Rest in Jesus”

Worship 7/21/24 9th Sunday after Pentecost

Service  7/14/24  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 7/14/24  “Passing the Baton”

Worship 7/14/24 8th Sunday after Pentecost

Service  7/7/24  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 7/7/24  “Dusty Feet”

Worship 7/7/24 7th Sunday after Pentecost

Service  6/30/24  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 6/30/24  “There May Yet be Hope”

Worship 6/30/24 6th Sunday after Pentecost

Service  6/23/24  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 6/23/24  “At UCC – Hymn Sing”

Worship 6/23/24 5th Sunday after Pentecost

Service  6/16/24  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 6/16/24  “This Tiny Seed”

Worship 6/16/24 4th Sunday after Pentecost

Service  6/9/24  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 6/9/24  “I the Lord Builds a House”

Worship 6/9/24 3rd Sunday after Pentecost

Service  6/2/24  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 6/2/24  “Work That Cannot Wait”

Worship 6/2/24 2nd Sunday after Pentecost

Service  5/26/24  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 5/26/24  “The Dance of Trinity”

Worship 5/26/24 Holy Trinity Sunday

Service  5/19/24  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 5/19/24  “Holy Spirit, Come!”

Worship 5/19/24  Pentecost  Sunday

Service  5/12/24  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 5/12/24  “Yours, Mine, and Ours”

Worship 5/12/24  7th Sunday of Easter

Service  5/5/24  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 5/5/24  “Love is a Choice”

Worship 5/5/24  6th Sunday of Easter

Service  4/28/24  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 4-28-24  “The Vine and the Branches”

Worship 4/28/24  5th Sunday of Easter

Service  4/21/24  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 4-21-24  “Love in Truth and Action”

Worship 4/21/24  4th Sunday of Easter

Service  4/14/24  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 4-14-24  “We Are Witneses

Worship 4/14/24  3rd Sunday of Easter

Service  4/7/24  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 4-7-24  “What’s Your Excuse?”

Worship 4/7/24  2nd Sunday of Easter

Service  3/31/24  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 3-31-24  “Bunnies and Chicks and Christ, O My!”

Worship 3/31/24  Easter Sunday

Service  3/24/24  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 3-24-24  “Hosanna! Shout Hosanna!”


Worship 3/24/24  Palm Sunday

Service  3/17/24  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 3-17-24  “God of the Covenant::  Jeremiah”

Worship 3/17/24  5th Sunday of Lent

Service  3/10/24  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 3-10-24  “God of the Covenant: The People Afflicted”

Worship 3/10/24  4th Sunday of Lent

Service  3/3/24  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 3-3-24  “God of the Covenant: Moses”

Worship 3/3/24  3rd Sunday of Lent

Service  2/25/24  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 2-25-24  “God of the Covenant, Abraham and Sarah”

Worship 2/25/24  2nd Sunday of Lent

Service  2/18/24  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 2-18-24  “God of the Covenant”

Worship 2/18/24  1st Sunday of Lent

Service  2/11/24  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 2-11-24  “The Light of Jesus”

Worship 2/11/24  Transfiguration Sunday

Service  2/4/24  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 2-4-24  “Healer of Our Every Ill

Worship 2/4/24  4th Sunday after Epiphany

Service  1/28/24  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 1-28-24  “Authority and Power”

Worship 1/28/24  4th Sunday after Epiphany

Service  1/21/24  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 1-21-24  “Repent and Believe”

Worship 1/21/24  3rd Sunday after Epiphany

Service  1/14/24  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 1-14-24  “Forever Changed”

Worship 1/14/24  2nd Sunday after Epiphany

Service  1/7/24  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 1-7-24  “Water and the Spirit”

Worship 1/7/24  The Baptism o Our Lord





Service  12/31/23  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 12-31-23  “ On the Seventh Day of Christmas”

Worship 12/31/23  1st Sunday of Christmas

Service  12/24/23  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 12-24-23  “ God’s Great Gift”

Worship 12/24/23  Christmas Eve Service

Service  12/17/23  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 12-17-23  “ Youth Christmas Program”

Worship 12/17/23  3rd Sunday of Advent

Service  12/10/23  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 12-10-23  “ Preparing the Way: Chrismons

Worship 12/10/23  2nd Sunday of Advent

Service  12/3/23  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 12-3-23  “ When the Stars Begin to Fall”

Worship  12/3/23   1st Sunday of Advent

Service  11/26/23  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 11-26-23  “ Lord of Heaven and Earth”

Worship 11/26/23  Christ the King Sunday

Service  11/19/23  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 11-19-23   “Hidden Talents”

Worship 11/19/23  25th Sunday after Pentecost

Service  11/12/23  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 11-12-23  “Oil for our Lamps”

Worship 11/12/23  24th  Sunday after Pentecost

Service  11/5/23  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 11-5-23 by Rev. Dr. Tony Clark, UCC  “The Beatitudes”

Worship 11/5/23  All Saints Sunday

Service  10/29/23  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 10/29/23 ” The two great commandments”

Worship 10/29/23  Reformation Sunday

Service  10/22/23  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 10/22/23 ”Testing, Testing”

Worship 10/22/23  21st  Sunday after Pentecost

Service  10/15/23  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 10/15/23 ”Open Invitation”

Worship 10/15/23  20th  Sunday after Pentecost

Service  10/8/23  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 10/8/23 ”Love Song”

Worship 10/8/23  19th  Sunday after Pentecost

Service  10/1/23  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 10/1/23 ”Perfect Harmony”

Worship 10/1/23  18th  Sunday after Pentecost

Service  9/24/23  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 9/24/23 ”Unfair”

Worship 9/24/23  17th  Sunday after Pentecost

Service  9/17/23  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 9/17/23 ”The Limits of Forgiveness”

Worship 9/17/23  16th  Sunday after Pentecost

Service  9/10/23  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 9/10/23 ”Where Two or Three are Gathered”

Worship 9/10/23  15th  Sunday after Pentecost

Service  9/3/23  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 9/3/23 ”The Suffering World”

Worship 9/3/23  14th  Sunday after Pentecost

Service  8/27/23  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 8/27/23 ”Joint Service in park with UCC & Episcopal”

Worship 8/27/23  13th  Sunday after Pentecost

Service  8/20/23  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 8/20/23 Rev. Dr. Tony Clark

Worship 8/20/23  12th  Sunday after Pentecost

Service  8/13/23  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 8/13/23 ”Quieting the Storm”

Worship 8/13/23  11th  Sunday after Pentecost


Service  8/6/23  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 8/6/23 ”Scarcity or Abundance”

Worship 8/6/23  10th  Sunday after Pentecost

Service  7/30/23  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 7/30/23 ”The 4 Chaplains & the Mustard Seed”  by Vicky F. Daub

Worship 7/30/23  9th  Sunday after Pentecost

Service  7/23/23  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 7/23/23 ”Joint Hymn Sing with UCC”

Worship 7/23/23  8th  Sunday after Pentecost

Service  7/16/23  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 7/16/23 ”Testing the Soul”

Worship 7/16/23  7th  Sunday after Pentecost

Service  7/9/23  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 7/9/23 ”Rest for the Weary”

Worship 7/9/23  6th  Sunday after Pentecost

Service  7/2/23  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 7/2/23 ”A Cup of Cold Water”

Worship 7/2/23  5th  Sunday after Pentecost

Service  6/25/23  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 6/25/23 ”More Valuable Than Sparrows”

Worship 5/11/23  4th  Sunday after Pentecost

Service  6/18/23  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 6/18/23 ”Sheep without a Sheppard”

Worship 5/11/23  3rd Sunday after Pentecost

Service  6/11/23  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 6/11/23 ”Those People”

Worship 5/11/23  2nd Sunday after Pentecost

Service  5/7/23  Rev Anne Knighten




Service  5/28/23  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 5/28/23 ”Breath of God”

Worship 5/28/23  5th Sunday of  Easter

Service  5/21/23  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 5/21/23 ”Intercessory Prayer”

Worship 5/21/23  5th Sunday of  Easter

Service  5/14/23  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 5/14/23 ”The God Who Abides”

Worship 5/14/23  5th Sunday of  Easter

Service  5/7/23  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 5/7/23 ”Here’s Your Sign”

Worship 5/7/23  5th Sunday of  Easter

Service  4/30/23  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 4/30/23 ”Called By Name”

Worship 4/30/23  4th Sunday of Easter

Service  4/23/23  Rev Diana Linden-Johnson


Sermon 4/23/23 ”What Should We Do?”

Worship 4/23/23  3rd Sunday of Easter

Service  4/16/23  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 4/16/23 ”Believing is Seeing”

Worship 4/16/23  2nd Sunday of Easter

Service  4/9/23  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 4/9/23 ”Christ is Risen, He is Risen, Indeed!”

Worship 4/9/23  Easter Sunday

Service  4/2/23  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 4/2/23 ”The Passion According to Matthew”

Worship 4/2/23  Palm Sunday

Service  3/29/23  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 3/29/23 ”Holden Evening Prayer”

Worship 3/29/23  Wed. Lenten Service

Service  3/26/23  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 3/26/23 ”From Death to Life”

Worship 3/26/23  5th  Sunday of Lent

Service  3/19/23  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 3/19/23 ”Eyes Open, Heart Open”

Worship 3/19/23  4th  Sunday of Lent

Service  3/12/23  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 3/12/23 ”Living Water”

Worship 3/12/23  3rd  Sunday of Lent

Service  3/5/23  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 3/5/23 ”My Help Comes from the Lord”

Worship 3/5/23  2nd Sunday of Lent

Service  2/26/23  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 2/26/23 ”If You Are … and You Are”

Worship 2/19/23  1st Sunday of Lent

Service  2/19/23  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 2/19/23 ”A Mountaintop Experience”

Worship 2/19/23  7th Sunday after Epiphany

Annual Meeting 2/12/23 



Annual meeting 2/12/23 

Service  2/12/23  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 2/12/23 ”The Choice is Yours”

Worship 2/12/23  6th Sunday after Epiphany

Service  2/5/23  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 2/5/23 ”The Salt of the Earth”

Worship 2/5/23  5th Sunday after Epiphany

1/29/23 Cancelled due to weather




Service  1/22/23  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 1/22/23 ”Walk in the Light”

Worship 1/22/23  3rd Sunday after Epiphany

Service  1/15/23  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 1/15/23 ”Pointing to Christ”

Worship 1/15/23  2nd Sunday after Epiphany

Service  1/8/23  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 1/8/23 “Beloved Children of God”

Worship 1/8/23   Baptism of Our Lord

Service  1/1/23  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 1/1/23 ”Who is This Child?”

Worship 1/1/23  1st Sunday of Christmas

Service  12/24/22  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 12/24/22 ”Good News of Great Joy”

Worship 12/24/22  Christmas Eve

Service  12/18/22  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 12/18/22 ”Children’s Program”

Worship 12/18/22  4th Sunday of Advent

Service  12/11/22  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 12/11/22 ”The One Who Is Our Strength”

Worship 12/11/22  3rd Sunday of Advent

Service  12/4/22  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 12/4/22 ”The One Who Was Foretold” [Chrismons]

Worship 12/4/22  2nd Sunday of Advent

Service  11/27/22  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 11/27/22 ”The One For Whom We Hope”

Worship 11/27/22  1st Sunday of Advent

Service  11/20/22  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 11/20/22 ”Christ Our King”

Worship 11/20/22  Christ the King Sunday

Service  11/13/22  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 11/13/22 ”The End is Near”

Worship 11/13/22 234th Sunday after Pentecost

Service  11/6/22  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 11/6/22  ”Alive in Christ”

Worship 11/6/22  All Saints Sunday

Service  10/30/22  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 10/30/22 ”The Truth Will Make You Free”

Worship 10/30/22  Reformation The  Sunday

Service  10/23/22  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 10/23/22 ”Be Merciful To Me, A Sinner”

Worship 10/23/22 204th Sunday after Pentecost

Service  10/16/22  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 10/16/22 ”Do Not Lose Heart”

Worship 10/16/22 194th Sunday after Pentecost

Service  10/9/22  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 10/9/22 ”Singing God’s Praise”

Worship 10/9/22 184th Sunday after Pentecost

Service  10/2/22  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 10/2/22 ”Step Out in Faith”

Worship 10/2/22 174th Sunday after Pentecost

Service  9/25/22  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 9/25/22 ”Heed the Warnings”

Worship 9/25/22 164th Sunday after Pentecost

Service  9/18/22  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 9/18/22 ”Which do you Choose”

Worship 9/18/22 154th Sunday after Pentecost

Service  9/11/22  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 9/11/22 “Lost and Found”

Worship 9/11/22 144th Sunday after Pentecost

Service  9/4/22  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 9/4/22 ”Take up the Cross”

Worship 9/4/22 134th Sunday after Pentecost

Service  8/28/22  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 8/28/22

Worship 8/28/22 124th Sunday after Pentecost

Service  8/21/22  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 8/21/22 ”Keeping Sabbath”

Worship 8/21/22 114th Sunday after Pentecost

Service  8/14/22  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 8/14/22 ”Faithful Endurance”

Worship 8/14/22 104th Sunday after Pentecost

Service  8/7/22  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 8/7/22 ”X Marks the Spot”

Worship 8/7/22 94th Sunday after Pentecost

Service  7/31/22  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 7/31//22 ”What’s in your Wallet?”

Worship 7/31/22 8th  Sunday after Pentecost

Service  7/24/22  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 7/24/22 ”Ask, Seek, Knock”

Worship 7/24/22 74th Sunday after Pentecost

Service  7/171/22  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 7/17/22 ”Choosing the Better Path”

Worship 7/17/22 64th Sunday after Pentecost

Service  7/101/22  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 710/22 ”Won’t you be my Neighbor”

Worship 7/10/22 54th Sunday after Pentecost

Service  7/3/22  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 7/3/22 ”The Lord of  the Harvest”

Worship 7/3/22 44th Sunday after Pentecost

Service 6/26/22  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 6/26/22 ”Set Free”

Worship 6/26/22 3rd Sunday after Pentecost

Service 6/19/22  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 6/19/22 ”What Has God Done For Us”

Worship 6/19/22 2nd Sunday after Pentecost

Service 6/12/22  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 6/12/22 “The Dance of Trinity”

Worship 6/12/22 The Holy Trinity

Service 6/5/22  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 6/5/22 “The Spirit of the Truth””

Worship 6/5/22 Day of Pentecost

Service 5/29/22  Lay Leader Loretta Funk


Sermon 5/29/22 “That All May Be One“ by Rev Anne Knighten,

Worship 5/29/22 7th Sunday of Easter

Service 5/22/22  Deacon Karen Walker


Sermon 5/22/22 “Peace”

Worship 5/22/22 6th Sunday of Easter

Service 5/15/22  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 5/15/22 “Abounding Love”

Worship 5/15/22 5th Sunday of Easter

Service 5/8/22  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 5/8/22 “Belonging to the Flock”

Worship 5/8/22 4th Sunday of Easter

Service 5/1/22  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 5/1/22 “Love in Action”

Worship 5/1/22 3rd Sunday of Easter

Service 4/24/22  Deacon Karen Walker


Sermon 4/24/22 “Doubt and Fear”

Worship 4/24/22 2nd Sunday of Easter

Service 4/17/22  Pastor Carole Buckingham


Sermon 4/17/22 “Six Words”

Worship 4/17/22 Easter Sunday

Service 4/10/22  Readers Theater


Sermon 4/10/22 “The Passion Story”

Worship 4/10/22 Palm Sunday

Service 4/3/22  Pastor Carole Buckingham


Sermon 4/3/22 “Mary and Martha”

Worship 4/3//22 5th Sunday in Lent

Service 3/30/22  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 3/30/22 “Holden Evening Prayer”

Worship 3/30//22 Wednesday Lent Worship

Service 3/27/22  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 3/27/22 “The Road Home”

Worship 3/27//22 4th Sunday in Lent

Service 3/23/22  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 3/23/22 “Holden Evening Prayer”

Worship 3/23//22 Wednesday Lent Worship

Service 3/20/22  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 3/20/22 “Getting Lost on the Trail”

Worship 3/20//22 3rd Sunday in Lent

Service 3/13/22  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 3/13/22 “Seeking Shelter in the Storm”

Worship 3/13//22 2nd Sunday in Lent

Service 3/6/22  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 3/6/22 “The Wilderness Experiment”

Worship 3/6//22 1st Sunday in Lent

Service 3/2/22  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 3/2/22 “The Journey Begins”

Worship 3/2/22 Ash Wednesday

Service 2/27/22  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 2/27/22 “The Chosen

Worship 2/27//22 Transfiguration of Our Lord

Service 2/20/22  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 2/20/22 “God’s Four-Letter Word”

Worship 2/20//22 7th Sunday of Epiphany

Service 2/13/22  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 2/13/22 “Wow of Woe?”

Worship 2/13//22 6th Sunday of Epiphany

Service 2/6/22  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 2/6/22 “Gone Fishing”

Worship 2/6//22 5th Sunday of Epiphany

Service 1/30/22  Annual Meeting 2022




Service 1/30/22  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 1/30/22 “Cliff Notes”

Worship 1/30/22 4th Sunday of Epiphany

Service 1/23/22  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 1/23/22 “The Year of the Lord’s Favor”

Worship 1/23/22 3rd Sunday of Epiphany

Service 1/17/22  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 1/17/22 “Karen Klaahsen Memorial Service”

Worship 1/17/22 Memorial Service

Service 1/16/22  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 1/16/22 “Taste and See”

Worship 1/16/22 2nd Sunday of Epiphany

Service 1/9/22  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 1/9/22  “Dearly Beloved?”

Worship 1/9/22 Baptism of our Lord

Service 1/2/22  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 1/2/22 “The Light of all People”

Worship 1/2/22 2nd  Sunday after Christmas

Service 12/26/21  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 12/26/21 “The Treasure in our Hearts”

Worship 12/26/21 1st Sunday after Christmas

Service 12/24/21  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 12/24/21  “What Child is This?”

Worship 12/24/21 Christmas Eve Service

Service 12/21/21  Rev Anne Knighten



Worship 12/21/21  Blue Christmas Service

Service 12/19/21  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 12/19/21 Kids Program. “The Big, Big Story”

Worship 12/19/21 4th Sunday of Advent

Service 12/12/21  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 12/12/21 “Be Joyful”

Worship 12/12/21 3rd Sunday of Advent

Service 12/5/21  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 12/5/21 “Be Prepared”

Worship 12/5/21 2nd Sunday of Advent

Service 11/28/21  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 11/28/21 “Be Alert”

Worship 11/28/21 1st Sunday of Advent

Service 11/21/21  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 11/21/21 “Christ Our King”

Worship 11/21/21 Christ the King Sunday

Service 11/14/21  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 11/14/21 “The Path of Life”

Worship 11/14/21  25th Sunday after Pentecost

Service 11/7/21  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 11/7/21 “Jesus Wept”

Worship 11/7/21  All Saints Sunday

Service 10/3/1/21  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 10/31/21 “Set Free”

Worship 10/31/21  Reformation Day

Service 10/24/21  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 10/24/21 “What do you want Jesus to do for You?”

Worship 10/24/21  22nd Sunday after Pentecost

Service 10/17/21  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 10/17/21 “The Last and The First”

Worship 10/17/21  21st Sunday after Pentecost

Service 10/10/21  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 10/10/21 “Who Can Be Saved”

Worship 10/10/21  20th Sunday after Pentecost

Service 10/3/21  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 10/3/21 “God Loves Us in our Brokenness”

Worship 10/3/21  19th Sunday after Pentecost

Service 9/26/21  Rev Anne Knighten


Sermon 9/26/21 “Stumbling Blocks”

Worship 9/26/21  18th Sunday after Pentecost

Service 9/25/21   Installation of Rev Anne Knighten


Message 9/25/21 by Bishop Jim Gonia

Worship 9/25/21  Installation Service For St. Luke’s and Union Congressional




Service 9/25/21   Installation  service only for Rev Anne Knighten


Service 9/19/21   Rev. Dr. Randy Leisly


Sermon 9/19/21 “Welcome Me”

Worship 9/19/21  17th Sunday after Pentecost

Service 9/12/21   Deacon Karen Walker


Sermon 9/12/21 “Turning Point”

Worship 9/12/21  16th Sunday after Pentecost

Service 9/5/21   Rev. Dr. Randy Leisly


Sermon 9/5/21 “Be Opened”

Worship 9/5/21    15th Sunday after Pentecost

Service 8/29/21   Pastor Carole Buckingham



Sermon 8/29/21 “Jesus Knows the Heart”

Worship 8/29/21  14th Sunday after Pentecost

Service 8/22/21   Pastor Ron Sample



Sermon 8/22/21 “Meditation”

Worship 8/22/21  13th Sunday after Pentecost

Service 8/15/21   Pastor Candidate Anne Knighten



Sermon 8/15/21 “You Are What You Eat”

Worship 8/15/21  12th Sunday after Pentecost

Service 8/8/21  Rev. Dr. Randy Leisly



Sermon 8/8/21 “Caring for Ourselves”

Worship 8/8/21  1111h Sunday after Pentecost

Service 8/1/21   Pastor Beth Kelsey



Sermon 8/1/21 “God Who Gives”

Worship 8/1/21  10th Sunday after Pentecost

Service 7/25/21   Rev. Barbara Archer



Sermon 7/25/21 “Another Way”

Worship 7/25/21  9th Sunday after Pentecost

Service 7/18/21   Pastor Ron Sample



Sermon 7/18/21Meditaton

Worship 7/18/21  8th Sunday after Pentecost

Service 7/11/21   Pastor Ron Sample



Sermon 7/11/21 “Meditation”

Worship 7/11/21  7th Sunday after Pentecost

Service 7/4/21   Pastor Beth Kelsey



Sermon 7/4/21  “Greatly Appreciated, But Not Wanted”

Worship 7/4/21  6th Sunday after Pentecost

Service 6/27/21   Message by Rev. Bob Miller



Sermon 6/27/21 “Never Die”

Worship 6/27/21  5th Sunday after Pentecost

Service 6/20/21   Rev. Bob Miller



Sermon 6/20/21  “What, Me Worry?”

Worship 6/20/21  4th Sunday after Pentecost

Service 6/13/21   Pastor Beth Kelsey



Sermon 6/13/21  “Grounding Our Hope in the Kingdom of God

Worship 6/13/21  3rd Sunday after Pentecost

Service 6/6/21   Pastor Nathan Keith



Sermon 6/6/21 “Redefining Family”

Worship 6/6/21 2nd Sunday after Pentecost

Service 5/30/21   Pastor Ken Thurow



Sermon 5/30/21  “The Journey of Praise”

Worship 5/30/21  The Holy Trinity

Service 5/23/21   Pastor Ken Thurow



Sermon 5/23/21  “Open our Hearts to the Spirit“

Worship 5/23/21 Pentecost Sunday

Service 5/16/21   Pastor Ken Thurow



Sermon 5/16/21  “ Alice, Dorothy, Dietrich, and You“

Worship 5/16/21 7th Sunday of Easter

Service 5/9/21   Pastor Ken Thurow



Sermon 5/9/21  “It’s About Love”

Worship 5/9/21 6th Sunday of Easter

Service 5/2/21   Rev. Bob Miller



Sermon 5/2/21  “Love Abides”

Worship 5/2/21 5th Sunday of Easter

Service 4/25/21   Pastor Ken Thurow



Sermon 4/25/21  “By What Name?”

Worship 4/25/21 4th Sunday of Easter

Service 4/18/21   Pastor Ken Thurow



Sermon 4/18/21  “So, What’s New?”

Worship 4/18/21 3rd Sunday of Easter

Service 4/11/21   Pastor Ken Thurow



Sermon 4/11/21  “Sequel and Prequel”

Worship 4/11/21 2nd Sunday of Easter

Service 4/4/21   Pastor Ken Thurow

     He Is Risen!


Sermon 4/4/21  “The Greatest Story Never Told”

Worship 4/4/21  Easter Sunday

Service 3/28/21   Pastor Ken Thurow


Sermon 3/28/21  “Roll Call”

Worship 3/28/21  Palm Sunday

Lenten Service 3/24/21   Pr. Ken Thurow




Service 3/21/121   Pastor Ken Thurow


Sermon 3/21/21  “We Would See Jesus”

Worship 3/21/21  5th Sunday of Lent

Lenten Service 3/17/21   Pr. Ken Thurow



Worship 3/17/21  4th Mid-Week Lenten

Service 3/14/121   Pastor Ken Thurow


Sermon 3/14/21  “Face to Face”

Worship 3/14/21  4th Sunday of Lent

Lenten Service 3/10-21 Jan Nelson/Chris Jons



Worship 3/10/21  3rd Mid-Week Lenten

Service 3/7/121   Pastor Ken Thurow


Sermon 3/7/21  “The Way to the Father”

Worship 3/7/21  3rd Sunday of Lent

Lenten Service 3/3/21   Pr. Ken Thurow



Worship 3/3/21  2nd Mid-Week Lenten

Service 2/28/121   Pastor John Orwig


Sermon 2/28/21  “Hope in a Crazy World”

Worship 2/28/21  2nd Sunday of Lent

Lenten Service 2/24/21   Pr. Ken Thurow



Worship 2/24/21  1st Mid-Week Lenten

Service 2/21/121   Pastor Ken Thurow


Sermon 2/21/21  “Are You Ready?”

Worship 2/21/21  1st Sunday of Lent

Service 2/14/121   Pastor Ken Thurow


Sermon 2/14/21  “Are You Listening?”

Worship 2/14/21  Transfiguration of our Lord

Service 2/7/121   Pastor Ken Thurow


Sermon 2/7/21  “Images”

Worship 2/7/21  5th Sunday after Epiphany

Service 1/31/121   Pastor Ken Thurow


Sermon 1/31/21  “ The Ground of our Hope”

Worship 1/31/21  4th Sunday after Epiphany

Service 1/24/21   Pastor Ken Thurow


Sermon 1/24/21  “Starting Over”

Worship 1/24/21  3rd Sunday after Epiphany

Service 1/17/21   Pastor Ken Thurow


Sermon 1/17/21  “Ready to Follow”

Worship 1/17/21  2nd Sunday after Epiphany

Service 1/10/21   Pastor Ken Thurow


Sermon 1/10/21  “Baptism and Beyond”

Worship 1/10/21 Baptism of Our Lord 

Service 1/3/21   Pastor Ken Thurow


Sermon 1/3/21 “Windows, Mirrors and Generations”

Worship 1/3/21  2nd Sunday of Christmas

Service 12/27/20   Pastor Ken Thurow


Sermon 12/27/20 “What Are You Looking For?”

Worship 12/27/20  1st Sunday of Christmas

Service 12/24/20   Pastor Ken Thurow


Sermon 12/24/20   “The Chosen

Worship 12/24/20  Christmas Eve 2020

Service 12/20/20   Pastor Ken Thurow


Sermon 12/20/20   “Strangely Blessed”

Worship 12/20/20  3rd Sunday of Advent

Service 12/13/20   Pastor Ken Thurow


Sermon 12/13/20   “Keep Your Fork”

Worship 12/13/20  3rd Sunday of Advent

Service 12/6/20   Pastor Ken Thurow


Sermon 12/6/20   “Confession”

Worship 12/6/20  2nd Sunday of Advent

Service 11/29/20   Pastor Ken Thurow


Sermon 11/29/20   “The Season of Always”

Worship 11/29/20  1st Sunday of Advent

Service 11/22/20   Pastor Ken Thurow


Sermon 11/22/20   “Where God Reigns”

Worship 11/22/20  Christ the King Sunday





Service 11/1/20   Pastor Ken Thurow


Sermon 11/1/20   “Who’s Keeping Scxore

Worship 11/1/20  All Saints Day

Service 10/25/20   Pastor Ken Thurow


Sermon 10/25/20  “Free to Follow”

Worship 10/25/20  Reformation Sunday

Service 10/18/20   Bill Hawley


Sermon 10/18/20  “…By Our Love…”

Worship 10/18/20   19th  Sunday after Pentecost

Service 10/11/20   Pastor Beth Kelsey


Sermon 10/11/20  “Wedding Feast Gone Awry”

Worship 10/11/20   19th  Sunday after Pentecost

Service 10/4/20   Pastor John Orwig


Sermon 10/4/20  Taking Inventory

Worship 10/4/20   18th  Sunday after Pentecost

Service 9/27/20  Pastor Larry Sydow’s Final Service at St. Luke’s. -- Baptisms


Sermon 9/27/20  The Emptied Self

Worship 9/27/20   17th  Sunday after Pentecost

Service 9/20/20  Pastor Larry Sydow


Sermon 9/20/20  God Will Lead the Way

Worship 9/20/20  16th  Sunday after Pentecost

Service 9/13/20  Pastor Larry Sydow & Confirmation Students


Sermon 9/13/20 James, Adam, Grace

Worship 9/13/20  15th  Sunday after Pentecost

Service 9/6/20  Pastor Larry Sydow


Sermon 9/6/20   “Is It Fair?  Is There Room?

Worship 9/6/20  14th  Sunday after Pentecost

Service 8/30/20  Pastor Larry Sydow


Sermon 8/30/20  “The high Cost of Discipleship”

Worship 8/30/20  Power outage aused failure of video













Service 8/2/20  Pastor Larry Sydow


Sermon 8/2/20  “Do It!”

Worship 8/2/20  9th  Sunday after Pentecost

Service 7/26/20  Pastor Larry Sydow


Sermon 7/26/20  The Pearl

Worship 7/26/20  8th  Sunday after Pentecost

Service 7/19/20  Pastor Larry Sydow


Sermon 7/19/20  Stories With Meanings

Worship 7/19/20  7th  Sunday after Pentecost

Service 7/12/20  Pastor Larry Sydow


Sermon 7/12/20  The Persistent Gardener

Worship 7/12/20  6th  Sunday after Pentecost

Service 7/5/20  Pastor Larry Sydow


Sermon 7/5/20   Hard Words

Worship 7/5/20  5th  Sunday after Pentecost

Service 6/28/20  Pastor Larry Sydow


Sermon 6/28/20   Our Plan OR God’s Plan

Worship 6/28/20  4th Sunday after Pentecost

Service 6/21/20  Pastor Larry Sydow


Sermon 6/21/20   Whose Side Are You On?

Worship 6/21/20  3rd Sunday after Pentecost

Service 6/14/20  Pastor Larry Sydow


Sermon 6/14/20  What Are You Worried About?  

Worship 6/14/20  2nd  Sunday after Pentecost

Service 6/7/20  Pastor Larry Sydow


Sermon 6/7/20   Don’t Just Keep the Faith

Worship 6/7/20  The Holy Trinity – Pentecost Sunday

Service 5/31/20  Pastor Larry Sydow


Sermon 5/31/20   Pentecost Sunday

Worship 5/31/20  Sunday Worship

Service 5/24/20  Pastor Larry Sydow


Sermon 5/24/20  Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory


Service 5/17/20   Pastor John Orwig




Service 5/10/20   Pastor John Orwig


Sermon 5/10/20  Happy Mothers Day 

Worship 5/10/20  Sunday Worship

Service 5/3/20   Pastor John Orwig


Sermon 5/3/20 

Worship 5/3/20  Sunday Worship


Service 4/26/20  Pastor Larry Sydow


Sermon 4/26/20  Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner!

Worship 4/26/20  Sunday Worship

Service 4/19/20  Pastor Larry Sydow


Sermon 4/19/20  Would You Believe

Worship 4/19/20  Sunday Worship

Service 4/12/20   Easter, Pastor Larry Sydow


Sermon 4/12/20  Out of the Cocoon

Worship 4/12/20  Easter Sunday Worship

Service 4/9/20   Maundy Thurs, Pr Larry Sydow



Worship 4/9/20  Maundy Thursday Worship

Service 4/5/20   Palm Sunday, Pr. Larry Sydow


Sermon 4/5/20  Predicted—Paraded—Persecuted

Worship 4/5/20  Palm Sunday Worship

Service 3/29/20   Pastor Larry Sydow


Sermon 3/29/20  Bound—Buried--Bones

Lenten 4/1/20  Wednesday Night

Service 3/22/20   Pastor Larry Sydow


Sermon 3/22/20   Tarnished—Trash--Treasure

Worship 3/29/20  Palm Sunday Worship

Service 3/15/20   Pastor Larry Sydow


Sermon 3/15/20   Wells—Pits--Mines

Worship 3/22/20  Palm Sunday Worship

Service 3/8/20   Pastor Larry Sydow


Sermon 3/8/20   Rejoicing—Reaching--Renewing

Lenten 3/18/20  Wednesday Night





Check out St. Luke’s Facebook page for live videos of services




Full Worship Services


Recent Gospel and Sermon only

Service 3/1/20   Pastor Larry Sydow


Sermon 3/1/20  Power--Popularity--Possessions

Service 2/23/20   Pastor Larry Sydow


Sermon 2/23/20  Launched Into Mission

Service 2/16/20   Pastor Larry Sydow


Sermon 2/16/20  One Step Beyond

Service 2/9/20   Pastor Larry Sydow


Sermon 2/9/20  Light in the Darkness

Service 2/2/20   Pastor Larry Sydow


Sermon 2/2/20  Dunce Hats or Sage Wreathes

Annual Meeting 1/26/20  



Service 1/26/20   Pastor Larry Sydow


Sermon 1/26/20   Models for Ministry

Service 1/19/20   Pastor John Orwig


Sermon 1/19/20  God doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the called

Service 1/12/20   Pastor Larry Sydow


Sermon 1/12/20  A New View from the Water

Service 1/5/20   Pastor Larry Sydow


Sermon 1/5/20  Birds of a Feather




Service 12/29/19   Pastor Larry Sydow


Sermon 12/29/19  Singing on the Road

Service 12/24/19   Christmas Eve Service


Sermon 12/24/19  The Journey of Growing in Christ

Service 12/22/19   Pastor Larry Sydow


Sermon 12/22/19  Stir Us Up Lord!

Service 12/15/19   Youth Sunday, Saint Lucia Day


Sermon 12/15/19  Out of the Darkness

Service 12/8/19     Pastor Larry Sydow


Sermon 12/8/19  The Vision

Service 12/1/19     Pastor Larry Sydow


Sermon 12/1/19  What Did You Expect?

Service 11/24/19     Pastor Larry Sydow


Sermon 11/24/19  Are You Ready?

Service 11/17/19     Pastor Larry Sydow


Sermon 11/17/19  Living in the Almost

Service 11/10/19     Pastor Larry Sydow


Sermon 11/10/19  A King by Any Other Name

Service 11/3/19     Pastor Larry Sydow


Sermon 11/3/19  All Saints Welcomed

Service 10/27/19     Pastor Larry Sydow


Sermon 10/27/19    by Jeremiah Hawley

Service 10/20/19     Pastor Larry Sydow


Sermon 10/20/19  We Walk by Faith

10/13/2019  Service with UCC



Service 10/6/19     Pastor Larry Sydow


Sermon 10/6/19  “Why?”

Service 9/29/19     Pastor Larry Sydow


Sermon 9/29/19    by Bill Hawley

Service 9/22/19     Pastor Larry Sydow


Sermon 9/22/19    Win by Losing

Service 9/15/19     Pastor Larry Sydow


Sermon 9/15/19    God’s Return Policy

Service 9/8/19     Pastor Larry Sydow


Sermon 9/8/19    Are You Running With Me Jesus?

Service 9/1/19     Pastor Larry Sydow


Sermon 9/1/19    What Would Jesus Do?

Service 8/25/19   Pastor Larry Sydow


Sermon 8/25/19  Is Faith a Tight Squeeze

Service 8/18/19   Pastor Larry Sydow


Sermon 8/18/19  Playing Hide n Seek with God

Service 8/11/19   Pastor Larry Sydow


Sermon 8/11/19  What do You Say to a Duck?

Service 8/4/19     Pastor Larry Sydow


Sermon 8/4/19    What’s it all About

Service 7/28/19   Pastor Larry Sydow


Sermon 7/28/19  When We Speak to God

Service 7/21/19   Pastor Larry Sydow


Sermon 7/21/19  When God Speaks

Service 7/14/19   Pastor Larry Sydow


Sermon 7/14/19

Service 7/7/19     Pastor Larry Sydow


Sermon 7/7/19 

Service 6/30/19   Bill Hawley


Sermon 6/30/19  by Bill Hawley

Service 6/23/19   Pastor John Orwig


Sermon 6/23/19  Apostle’s Creed part 3 of  3

Service 6/16/19   Pastor John Orwig


Sermon 6/16/19  Apostle’s Creed part 2 of  3

Service 6/9/19     Pastor John Orwig


Sermon 6/9/19    Apostle’s Creed part 1 of  3

Service 6/2/19      100th Anniversary, Pastor Larry Sydow and Previous Pastors


Sermon 6/2/19        100 Years of St. Luke's

Service 5/26/19   Pastor Larry Sydow


Sermon 5/26/19  People Need the Lord

Service 5/19/19   Pastor Larry Sydow


Sermon 5/19/19  You Are Mine

Service 5/12/19   Pastor Larry Sydow


Sermon 5/12/19  Testimonies & Stories

Service 5/5/19     Pastor John Orwig


Sermon 5/5/19     A Reporter’s View

Service 4/28/19   Pastor Larry Sydow


Sermon 4/28/19  Miracles and Wonder

Service 4/21/19   Pastor Larry Sydow, Easter


Sermon 4/21/19  Did He or Didn’t He?

Service 4/14/19   Pr. Larry Sydow, Palm Sunday


Sermon 4/14/19  Procession of Grace

Service 4/7/19   Pastor Larry Sydow


Sermon 4/7/19  What’s It Worth

Service 3/31/19   Pastor Larry Sydow


Sermon 3/31/19  Wasteful Grace

Service 3/24/19   Pastor Larry Sydow


Sermon 3/24/19  Plucking Weeds and Planting Flowers

Service 3/17/19   Pastor Larry Sydow


Sermon 3/17/19  A Promise is a Promise

Service 3/10/19   Pastor Larry Sydow


Sermon 3/10/19  Keeping Heaven In your Sight

Service 3/6/19   Joint Ash Wednesday service with UCC


Ringing in 100 Years,   Bell Choir


Service 3/3/19   Pastor Larry Sydow


Sermon 3/3/19   More than a good Suntan!

Service 2/24/19   Pastor Larry Sydow


Sermon 2/24/19   Forgiven Because We’ve Been Forgiven

Service 2/17/19   Pastor Larry Sydow


Sermon 2/17/19   Blessed are You

Service 2/10/19   Pastor Larry Sydow


Sermon 2/10/19   A Fishy Story

Service 2/3/19   Pastor Larry Sydow


Sermon 2/3/19   How Much Do You Love Me

Service 1/27/19   Pastor Larry Sydow


Sermon 1/27/19   Love or Lose

Service 1/20/19   Pastor Larry Sydow


Sermon 1/20/19   Heeding the Warning Lights

Service 1/13/19   Pastor Larry Sydow


Sermon 1/13/19  Baptized to be Baptizers


Service 1/6/19   Pastor Larry Sydow


Sermon 1/6/19  Three Wise Men






2019 Annual meeting

Service 12/30/18   Pastor John Orwig



Service 12/24/18   Christmas Eve Service


Sermon 12/24/18  Christmas Eve  A Savior is Born

Service 12/23/18   Pastor Larry Sydow


Sermon 12/23/18  A Message of Great Joy

Service 12/16/18   Pastor Larry Sydow


Service 12/16/18   Children’s program

Service 12/9/18   Pastor Larry Sydow


Sermon 12/16/18   Put on a Happy Face

Service 12/2/18   Pastor Larry Sydow


Sermon 12/9/18   Prepare for Road Repairs

Service 11/25/18   Thanksgiving Sunday


Sermon 12/2/18  Ready or Not

Service 11/18/18   Pastor Larry Sydow


Sermon 11/25/18   A King We Can Believe In

Service 11/11/18   Pastor Larry Sydow


Sermon 11/18/18   When Will We Ever Learn

Service 11/4/18     All Saints Sunday


Sermon 11/11/18   Little Things Count

Service 10/28/18   Reformation Sunday


Sermon 11/4/18   A Road Less Traveled

Service 10/21/18   Pastor Larry Sydow


Sermon 10/28/18   Meet Martin & Katie

Service 10/14/18   Pastor Larry Sydow


Sermon 10/21/18   Heavenly Employment Opportunities

Service 10/7/18   Pastor Larry Sydow


Sermon 10/14/18   Trust Me

Service 9/30/18   Pastor Larry Sydow


Sermon 10/7/18   The Children of God

Service 9/23/18   Pastor Sarah Moening


Sermon 9/3018   The Salt of the Earth

Service 9/16/18   Pastor John Orwig



Service 9/9/18   Kids & Council Updates



Service 9/2/18   Pastor John Orwig



Service 8/26/18   Pastor Stephanie Kopsch



Service 8/19/18   Pastor Sarah Moening



Service 8/12/18   Pastor Stephanie Kopsch



Service 8/5/18   Pastor Stephanie Kopsch



Service 7/29/18   Pastor Stephanie Kopsch



Service 7/22/18   Pastor John Orwig



Service 7/15/18   Pastor John Orwig



Service 7/8/18   Pastor Stephanie Kopsch



Service 7/1/18   Pastor Stephanie Kopsch



Service 6/24/18   Pastor Stephanie Kopsch



Service 6/17/18   Pastor Stephanie Kopsch



Service 6/10/18   Pastor Stephanie Kopsch



Service 6/3/18   Pastor Stephanie Kopsch



Service 5/27/18   Pastor John Orwig



Service 5/20/18   Pastor Stephanie Kopsch



Service 5/13/18   Pastor Stephanie Kopsch



Service 5/6/18   Pastor Stephanie Kopsch



Service 4/29/18   Pastor Stephanie Kopsch



Service 4/22/18   Pastor Stephanie Kopsch



Service 4/15/18   Pastor Kent Mueller



Service 4/8/18   Bishop Jim Gonia



Service 4/1/18   Easter 2018


2019 Annual meeting



2018 Annual meeting



2017 Annual meeting



2016 Annual meeting



2015 Annual meeting



2014 Annual meeting



2013 Annual meeting






Unity Service 1/22/17

Click Link to Listen, Right Click to Download
Files are typically 25-30 MB.
The links may take a few minutes to load.

As we capture our weekly services, we are making them available here as either streaming or downloadable files. Streaming the file is when you click on it and an audio/video program on your computer plays the file as it is loaded, hopefully it loads faster than it plays or you will have pauses. If you download any of the files (Right Click - Save As...), they can be played back at any time, as long as you know where you put them, and there shouldn't be any pauses. With most high speed internet connections there shouldn't be any problem streaming the audio files.

Some missing services or sermons are due to capture problems.